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Arendal Hospital
Parking management

Autopay at Arendal Hospital

Autopay Free Flow creates a good parking experience for staff, patients and relatives at Arendal Hospital.

Autopay Free Flow creates a good parking experience for staff, patients and relatives at Arendal Hospital.

When visiting the hospital the last thing you want to worry about is parking. You may not know how long you will stay, and a parking fine adds insult to what could be a quite literal injury. With Autopay, worrying about parking is a thing of the past and fines are removed.

Seamless parking experience for everyone

Working closely with the local municipal parking operator and the hospital project team we have been able to create a seamless parking experience for all user groups at the hospital:

Staff parking permits have been digitized with easy email distribution. Autopay also helps direct staff to appropriate areas through differentiated tariffs and clear availability signage. This way the most attractive parking spots are available for the patients and other visitors.

Blood donors are given free parking through Autopay's tap n' park parking validation technology. Simply enter the license plate into the interface and free parking is automatically applied to the ongoing parking session.

Long term visitors to underage patients are also taken care of. They are given free parking from day 15 and on through registration with staff in the children's ward through the same seamless solution.

In fact, in Arendal, Autopay has become the solution of choice, covering almost all parking garages. Both municipal parking operator Arendal Parkering and ONEPARK have several Autopay facilities in operation, and users park with the same profile across all garages.

Hospital parking benefits greatly from the Autopay platform


Seamless parking experience for everyone

Working closely with the local municipal parking operator and the hospital project team we have been able to create a seamless parking experience for all user groups at the hospital:

Staff parking permits have been digitized with easy email distribution. Autopay also helps direct staff to appropriate areas through differentiated tariffs and clear availability signage. This way the most attractive parking spots are available for the patients and other visitors.

Blood donors are given free parking through Autopay's tap n' park parking validation technology. Simply enter the license plate into the interface and free parking is automatically applied to the ongoing parking session.

Long term visitors to underage patients are also taken care of. They are given free parking from day 15 and on through registration with staff in the children's ward through the same seamless solution.

In fact, in Arendal, Autopay has become the solution of choice, covering almost all parking garages. Both municipal parking operator Arendal Parkering and ONEPARK have several Autopay facilities in operation, and users park with the same profile across all garages.