Panoramica dei casi d'uso


Parking lot in front of hotel (AI Generated)

Elevate hotel guests’ experience with Autopay’s barrier-free solution.

Key Benefits

  • Pre-booking directly in booking application.
  • Built-in booking interface for receptionists.
  • Guests can pay for parking on their hotel bill.
  • Dynamic pricing engine for parking.
  • Offer integrated EV-charging.

Any excellent hotel parking experience involves convenience and easy access to all the hotel amenities. Autopay elevates this by digitizing the entire parking process and seamlessly integrating with your hotel's systems and front desk. The result? A flawless experience not just for your guests, but also for your dedicated hotel staff.

Furthermore, with Autopay’s integrated EV-charging solutions, we ensure that both your guests and their electric vehicles are fully recharged and ready for whatever journey lies ahead.

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Want to learn more about how we solve hotel parking?


John Hjortland

International Sales Manager