Article overview
Parking management

The Autopay Story: A Journey from Innovation to Industry Leadership

Once upon a time, back in 2013, nestled in the heart of Oslo, a visionary team embarked on a mission to revolutionize the parking industry. This was the birth of Autopay Technologies, originally known as 2Park Technologies. Like all great stories, ours begins with a bold idea— to dismantle the norms of traditional parking by eliminating barriers and friction. We wanted to transform the parking experience from a mundane chore into a seamless, digital interaction for the end users, as well as cutting cost and streamline processes for the parking operators.

Breaking Barriers, The Advent of Digital Parking Management

As we set our sights on eliminating the common frustrations of parking—lost tickets, long waits, and cumbersome payment methods—we introduced our groundbreaking fully digital parking management systems in 2014. Our system was the first of its kind to employ Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology, marking the end of paper tickets and the beginning of a digital revolution in parking.

However, our evolution didn't stop with making parking easier. We envisioned a platform that would not only manage parking but also integrate with other aspects of urban mobility, like EV (electric vehicle) charging and tolling. This vision led to the transformation of 2Park Technologies into Autopay Technologies in 2022, a name that better reflects our broadened scope and future-oriented approach.

Autopay’s Expanding Horizons

At Autopay, we believe in a world where parking is a gateway to a larger, interconnected mobility experience. Our systems are designed to be as invisible as they are efficient, quietly working in the background to ensure that the end customer’s focus remains on their journey, not on the mundane details of where to park their cars. The cornerstone of our approach is barrier-free parking. By removing physical barriers, we minimize the need for maintenance and hardware, thereby reducing costs and enhancing the overall efficiency of parking operations. Our cloud-based platform handles the complexities of parking management, offering operators increased profitability, scalability and ease of use.

Our journey has also been about fostering partnerships and expanding our footprint. Today, Autopay is an international name, managing parking solutions in multiple countries and across varied environments—from bustling airports and hospitals to serene business parks and vibrant shopping malls. Each location is a testament to our system's adaptability and effectiveness.

Read more about the versatility of Autopay here.

The Future of Urban Mobility

Looking forward, Autopay is not just staying current with trends—we're setting them. We're constantly exploring new technologies and approaches to make our solutions even more intuitive and environmentally friendly. Sustainability is a key driver for us, as we aim to reduce the carbon footprint of parking operations and lead the charge toward a more sustainable future. As we narrate our story, it's important to remember that this isn't just about parking. It's about creating seamless urban mobility solutions that anticipate and adapt to the needs of tomorrow. It's a world of automation, increased profitability, and a sustained competitive edge. It's about building a future where technology serves humanity subtly and efficiently, allowing us to focus on what truly matters—our experiences and destinations.

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